About Us
The Kerry Group is a management consulting practice whose mission is to help their clients envision and enable success in today’s ever changing and complex business environment.
Our collaborative and participative approach helps our clients realize breakthrough and sustainable results by focusing on doing the right work, with the right resources, in support of the right business strategies.
Organizational Excellence
Transforming today’s organization to meet tomorrow’s business requirements
Business Process Rewiring
Streamlining and simplifying core commercial processes to deliver value added outputs
S&OP Process Best Practices
Aligning sales and marketing possibilities with supply capabilities
Consumer, Shopper & Retail Productivity
Providing consumer, shopper, & retail productivity insights that translate into real world activation
Department & Category Leadership
Accelerating growth of your brands in your customers’ stores
Promotion Optimization
Developing effective performance based, not entitlement based, trade promotion programs
Contact Us
Let us know how we can help you.
The Kerry Group
555 Heritage Road
Southbury, CT 06488